About GlobalHouse Group

BYLINE BIO: Humanitarian leaders Theresa Ruby and Ross Anthony Gray are authors and consultants introducing Potentialism, a new socioeconomic model they used to help end a 10-year civil war in Nepal. They are founders of GlobalHouse, a California-based 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to positive change through human potential, and authors of the Potentialism series of books. Visit www.GlobalHouse.org for more information.
BROADCAST BIO: Do you ever wonder how you can create lasting positive change in your life and the world around you? Our guests today are Theresa Ruby and Ross Anthony Gray. Theresa and Ross are authors introducing the first new socioeconomic model in almost 200 years. It's called Potentialism, and they used it to help warring factions end a 10-year civil war in Nepal. For more information on that amazing story, visit www.GlobalHouse.org. Welcome, Ross and Theresa. What is Potentialism and how are you using it?
FULL BIO: Humanitarian leaders Theresa Ruby and Ross Anthony Gray are authors and international business, economic development and leadership consultants introducing Potentialism, the first new socioeconomic model in almost 200 years. Using the principles of Potentialism, Theresa and Ross helped warring factions in Nepal negotiate to end a 10-year civil war in Nepal. They are founders of GlobalHouse, a California-based 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation dedicated to positive change through human potential, and authors of the Potentialism series of books.
Theresa is CEO of GlobalHouse. She has served in various senior leadership, human development and humanitarian positions for 23 years, including as Vice President of Cultural Change, Human Resources, Communications and Health & Safety for a large publicly traded corporation. She also served as Vice President of Performance Management and Human Resources for a multibillion-dollar company in the Midwest and as Corporate Director of Leadership for a Fortune 1000 company. In addition, she is also past President/Chairperson of Women in Business, San Francisco, a nonprofit that helps women executives, managers and small business owners. Theresa holds an undergraduate degree in engineering, a master's degree in International Business Relations and Ph.D. coursework in Organizational Psychology. She uses her engineering, international business, leadership development and organizational psychology background to help people discover the otherwise "hidden clues" to get to solutions quicker. Her personal mission is helping leaders facilitate real, pragmatic solutions for lasting positive change.
Ross is Chairman of GlobalHouse. He has served as president or vice president of several highly successful nonprofit and for-profit corporations, including a leading environmental consulting firm employing over 100 engineers, geologists and environmental scientists. He currently serves as president of a nonprofit organization that finances, designs and develops safe drinking water projects in developing nations around the globe. Inadequate access to safe drinking water is the number one health problem in the world. Ross has a degree in International Relations and has lived and worked in many countries around the world. For more information on Theresa and Ross and their work in Potentialism, visit www.GlobalHouse.org.
Media contact: Michelle Tennant, 828-749-3200, Michelle@WasabiPublicity.com, www.WasabiPublicity.com